Nuclear Blast kampaania! Valitud metal ja hardrock vinüülid kuni 60% soodsamalt!
Plaat 1
1. Spiegel Im Spiegel (For Violin & Piano) 10:22
2. Variationen Zur Gesundung von Arinuschka (For Piano Solo) 5:36
3. Für Alina (For Piano Solo) 3:31
4. Spiegel Im Spiegel (For Viola & Piano) 10:04
5. Mozart-Adagio (For Violin, Cello & Piano) 7:45
6. Spiegel im Spiegel (For Cello & Piano) 9:33
Plaat 2
1. Ludus 9:50
2. Silentium 14:41
3. Toccata 2:47
4. Sarabande 3:07
5. Ricercare 1:44
6. First Movement 6:29
7. Second Movement 6:09
8. Third Movement 7:44
Plaat 3
1. Fratres (For Strings And Percussion) 8:54
2. Fratres (For Violin, Strings And Percussion) 10:44
3. Festina Lente (For Strings And Harp Ad Libitum) 7:50
4. Fratres (For String Quartet) 8:41
5. Fratres (For Cello And Piano) 11:52
6. Summa (For Strings) 3:45
7. Fratres (For Eight Cellos) 11:50
8. Fratres (For Wind Octet And Percussion) 7:45
9. Cantus In Memory Of Benjamin Britten (For Strings And Bell) 7:3
Plaat 4
1. Magnificat 6:17
2. Nunc Dimittis 7:15
3. O Weisheit 1:04
4. O Adonai 2:03
5. O Spross Aus Isias Wurzel 0:56
6. O Schüssel Davids 1:41
7. O Morgenstern 1:40
8. O König Aller Völker 1:29
9. O Immanuel 2:24
10. Stabat Mater 25:11
Plaat 5
1. Jesus Is Betrayed And Arrested In Gethsemane (Exordium; John 18:1-12) 9:38
2. Jesus Is Interrogated By The High Priest And Denied By Peter (John 18:13-27) 11:28
3. Jesus Is Judged By Pilate And Reviled By The People (John 18:28-19:15) 26:18
4. Jesus Is Crucified At Golgotha (John 19:16-30; Conclusio) 14:27
Plaat 6
1. The Beatitudes 7:49
2. I. Kyrie 3:09
3. II. Gloria 4:01
4. III. Erster Alleluiavers 1:22
5. IV. Zweiter Alleluiavers 1:26
6. V. Veni Sancte Spiritus 6:50
7. VI. Credo 4:28
8. VII. Sanctus 3:17
9. VIII. Agnus Dei 1:58
10. Cantate Domino 3:59
11. Annum Per Annum (Einleitung – K – G – C – S – A – Coda) 11:54
12. Mein Weg Hat Gipfel Und Wellentäler 8:27
13. Pari Intervallo 5:27
14. Trivium 7:37
15. Spiegel Im Spiegel 8:11
Plaat 7
1. I. Introduction. Ad Libitum – Ode I. 'O Jesus The Son Of God, Have Mercy Upon Us' 4:20
2. II. Ode II. 'O Most Holy Birth-Giver Of God, Save Us' 4:10
3. III. Ode III. 'O Holy Saint Nicholas, Pray To God For Us' Coda: Ad Libitum 5:10
4. Tribute To Caesar (St Matthew 22:15-22) 5:33
5. Nunc Dimittis (St Luke 2:29-32) 6:12
6. Ode VII (Memento) From Kanon Pokajanen 7:37
7. I Am The True Vine 6:50
8. The Woman With The Alabaster Box (St Matthew 26:6-13) 5:28
9. Dopo la Vittoria 10:34
10. Bogoroditse Djevo 1:23
Plaat 8
1. Für Alina 20:18
2. Variationen Zur Gesundung von Arinuschka 5:56
3. Ukuaru Valss 2:54
4. Für Anna Maria 1:21
5. Für Alina 2:41
6. Pari Intervallo 5:26
7. Hymn To A Great City 5:08
8. Für Anna Maria 1:07
9. Für Alina 3:15
10. Fratres 11:52
11. Spiegel Im Spiegel 9:10
Plaat 9
1. I. Der Gestiefelte Kater 0:43
2. II. Rotkäppchen Und Der Wolf 2:15
3. III. Schmetterlinge 2:06
4. IV. Tanz Der Entenküken 2:34
5. I. Allegro 2:32
6. II. Larghetto 4:18
7. III. Allegro 0:25
8. I. Allegro Energico 1:52
9. II. Largo 2:03
10. III. Allegro 1:47
11. I. Toccatina 0:50
12. II. Fughetta 1:04
13. III. Larghetto 3:16
14. IV. Ostinato 2:08
15. Für Alina 23:07
Püsikliendile 16,14 €
Püsikliendile 28,45 €