Hea klient! Tasuta transport pakiautomaati alates 50-eurosest ostust.
Plaat 1
1. A Few Good Years
2. Guilty As Charged
3. Cognac - Buddy Guy (feat. Jeff Beck & Keith Richards)
4. The Blues Is Alive And Well
5. Bad Day
6. Blue No More - Buddy Guy (feat. James Bay)
7. Whiskey For Sale
8. You Did The Crime - Buddy Guy (feat. Mick Jagger)
Plaat 2
1. Old Fashioned
2. When My Day Comes
3. Nine Below Zero
4. Ooh Daddy
5. Somebody Up There
6. End Of The Line
7. Milking Muther For Ya
Püsikliendile 40,84 €
Püsikliendile 47,45 €
Püsikliendile 37,95 €