BMG "Best Of" kampaania! Valitud väljaandja "Best Of" seeria plaate kuni 40% soodsamalt!
Plaat 1
1. Love vigilantes
2. The perfect kiss
3. This time of night
4. Sunrise
5. Elegia
6. Sooner than you think
7. Sub-culture
8. Face up
Plaat 2
1. Love vigilantes
2. The perfect kiss
3. This time of night
4. Sunrise
5. Elegia
6. Sooner than you think
7. Sub-culture
8. Face up
Plaat 3
1. Love vigilantes - tv pitch instrumental edit (mono)
2. The perfect kiss - writing session recording
3. Untitled no. 1 - writing session recording
4. Sunrise - instrumental rough mix
5. Elegia - full length version
6. Sooner than you think - album session unedited version
7. Sub-culture - album session early instrumental version
8. Face up - writing session recording
9. Let's go - album session instrumental
10. Untitled no. 2 - writing session recording
11. Sunrise - writing session recording
12. Love vigilantes - writing session recording
13. Sooner than you think - writing session recording
14. Skullcrusher - demo
Plaat 4
1. Confusion (live in tokyo, 1985)
2. Love vigilantes (live in tokyo, 1985)
3. We all stand (live in tokyo, 1985)
4. As it is when it was (live in tokyo, 1985)
5. Sub-culture (live in tokyo, 1985)
6. Face up (live in tokyo, 1985)
7. Sunrise (live in tokyo, 1985)
8. This time of night (live in tokyo, 1985)
9. Blue monday (live in tokyo, 1985)
10. As it is when it was (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
11. Everything's gone green (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
12. Sub-culture (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
13. Ceremony (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
14. Let's go (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
15. This time of night (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
16. The village (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
17. The perfect kiss (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
18. Age of consent (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
19. Sunrise (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
20. Temptation (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
21. Face up (live in rotterdam arena, 1985)
22. As it is when it was (live in manchester, the hacienda 1985)
23. Sunrise (live in manchester, the hacienda 1985)
24. Face up (restored version, the hacienda 1985)
Plaat 5
1. Let's go (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 1985)
2. The perfect kiss (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 1985)
3. Age of consent (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 1985)
4. State of the nation (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 198
5. As it is when it was (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 19
6. The village (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 1985)
7. Sub-culture (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 1985)
8. Atmosphere (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 1985)
9. Blue monday (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 1985)
10. Thieves like us (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 1985)
11. Temptation (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 1985)
12. Confusion (live in the manhattan club, leuven, 1985)
13. Elegia (live in the international centre, toronto, 1985)
14. Sub-culture (live in the international centre, toronto, 1985
15. The village (live in the international centre, toronto, 1985
16. Sunrise (live in the international centre, toronto, 1985)
17. We all stand (live in the international centre, toronto, 198
18. As it is when it was (live in the international centre, toro
19. Love vigilantes (live in the international centre, toronto,
20. 586 (live in the international centre, toronto, 1985)
21. Age of consent (live in the international centre, toronto, 1
22. Temptation (live in the international centre, toronto, 1985)
23. Ceremony (live in the international centre, toronto, 1985)
24. The perfect kiss (live in the international centre, toronto,
25. The perfect kiss (rehearsal room, manchester 1985)
Püsikliendile 28,45 €
Püsikliendile 37,95 €
Püsikliendile 26,59 €
Püsikliendile 25,64 €
Püsikliendile 25,64 €
Püsikliendile 25,64 €
Püsikliendile 25,64 €
Püsikliendile 25,64 €
Püsikliendile 166,25 €