“Eesti laulupidu 150” sisaldab hoolikalt valitud kahtekümmend kuute helisalvestist, mis aitavad pilku heita minevikku ja teada saada, millised palad on laulupidude ajaloos osutunud armastatuimaks ning millised neist on kandnud eesti rahva ja tema enesetunnetuse ajaloos keskseimat rolli.
“Eesti laulupidu 150” teeb kultuuriajaloolisest aspektist veelgi põnevamaks see, et palade kontsertsalvestused on valitud erinevatelt laulupidudelt – alates 1933. aastast kuni käesoleva sajandini välja.
Lisaks leiab Mart Laari eesti- ja inglisekeelse saatesõna ning rikkalikud kommentaarid, mis aitavad muusikakuulajal mõtestada laulupidude tähendust ja rolli eri ajalooperioodidel ning sedagi, kuidas on eri aegade ühiskondlik-poliitilised olud kujundanud laulupidude nägu. Visuaalselt pööratakse plaadiümbrise kujundusele suurt tähelepanu ning seda ilmestab hoolikalt valitud rikkalik fotomaterjal.
Topeltplaadi “Eesti laulupidu 150” soetamisel toetad Laulu- ja Tantsupeo Sihtasutust viie euroga. Sel moel saame tundma õppida oma laulupidude pärleid, teisalt aga anda oma panuse sellesse, et eesti rahvast enim ühendav traditsioon kestaks läbi aegade.
ENGLISH: The Song Festival tradition has always been an essential part of the Estonian national identity and as such the two have always reflected each other. Both the joys and sorrows of our nation have been expressed in the repertoires of the festival. At the same time the festival has often served as a reminder during difficult times of a brighter future ahead and has played a crucial part in bringing and holding the nation together.
The carefully selected 26 recordings will take you on a journey through the festival’s 150 year long history. They will help you discover the songs which have an extra special spot in the hearts of Estonians and what songs have played a leading role in our history. “Mu isamaa on minu arm” by Gustav Ernesaks may be the most famous of them but is not the only one.
What makes the album even more exciting is that all the tracks are live recordings from different Song Festivals from 1933 (the oldest surviving sound recording of a Song Festival!) to the 21st century. Therefore, you can observe the progress in both singing and recording techniques in addition to the songs themselves.
The album is accompanied by a booklet with plenty of background information about the history of the song festival. There’s an analysis of socio-cultural effect of song festivals by historian Mart Laar (in both English and Estonian) as well as commentaries about the different aspects of the repertoire. What is more, we have definitely not forgotten about the visuals - the beautifully designed booklet is illustrated with a wide variety of photographs, artworks and souvenirs of the song festivals.