BMG "Best Of" kampaania! Valitud väljaandja "Best Of" seeria plaate kuni 40% soodsamalt!
EST: UK raadiote bluusisaateid ühendava Independent Blues Broadcasters Associationi poolt „kuu albumiks“ hääletatud „Royal Spa Blues“ võeti 2024. aastal üles Royal Leamington Spa linnakeses Inglismaal, kohe pärast Andres Rootsi esinemisi festivalidel Birmingham Jazz & Blues ja Upton Blues. 50-minutiline akustiline plaat sisaldab lisaks Tartu bluusikitarristi omaloomingule ka Jimi Hendrixi ja Beatlesi palu ning mitut jututräkki. Tagakaanel asetab USA riiklik eluaegne biitpoeet- laureaat Ron Whitehead Rootsi samale pulgale Leo Kottke ja John Fahey'ga.
ENG: Voted “album pick of the month” by the UK’s Independent Blues Broadcasters Association, “Royal Spa Blues” was recorded in the English town of Royal Leamington Spa in 2024, right after Andres Roots’ appearances at the Birmingham Jazz & Blues and Upton Blues festivals. This 50-minute acoustic album mixes originals by the Tartu blues guitarist with Jimi Hendrix and Beatles covers and several individually titled spoken-word tracks. On the back cover, U.S. National Lifetime Beat Poet Laureate Ron Whitehead rates Roots "up there with Leo Kottke and John Fahey".
Plaat 1
1. Jook Jones
2. The Play
3. Starbuck Theme
4. The Wind Cries Mary
5. The Confused As It Is
6. Django
7. Most Alternative
8. Tango Walk
9. Springtime Blues
10. In Lockdown.
11. 4 AM Hot Dog
12. Spanish Run
13. Station Blues Medley
14. The Sheik of Hawaii
15. Still Here
16. Legacy Blues
17. Like a Banjo
18. Western of the Month
19. Something in the Evening
20. Monday Night
21. The Wagon Swing
22. Go Home Nicely
23. Come Together